Three dancers in sheer white tops and pants are dimly lit on stage. One dancer sits with crossed legs, using her hands to create a rhythm, while another dancer stands with on leg lifted in front of her and hands clapping overhead. A third dancer stands still upstage. Photo by Bruce Fox
Rachel is looking over her shoulder and softly smiling. She has shoulder length black hair and wears a plain black top. She is standing in front of a grey-ish brown backdrop.
I am a Staff Writer for thINKingDANCE and an independent scholar. I publish work that highlights disabled artistry and contemporary dance performance.
Photo by Nir Arieli.
Click titles to read.
Performance Review: When you find it, pick it up (August 2024)Community News: Kayla Hamilton ‘Dreams Larger’ with a Disability Futures Fellowship (July 2024)
Performance Review: Whimsy and Childlike Nostalgia in “Indigo in October” (June 2024)
Performance Review: Philadelphia Youth Companies Shine at Peridance Spring Showcase (May 2024)
Book Review: A Celebration of Philadelphia’s Rich Tapestry of Dance (April 2024)
Community News: The ABT Strike and the Fight for Fair Wages for Dancers (February 2024)
Performance Review: Imagination as Survival in “YO OBSOLETE” (January 2024)
Performance Review: Calm Awaits the Chaos in “The Rite of Spring: common ground[s]” (December 2023)
Performance Review: A Spoon Becomes a World of Crip* Possibilities (November 2023)
The Dance Enthusiast
Performance Review: AUDIENCE REVIEW: Telephone: A Film by Krishna Washburn and Heather Shaw (April 2023)Dance and the Child International: USA
Changing Values: Incorporating the Disability Aesthetic into the Dance Classroom (Spring 2021)︎